Certum electronic signature with Standard card without reader valid for 2 years

Certum electronic signature with Standard card without reader valid for 2 years

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Certum electronic signature with Standard card without reader valid for 2 years

(dedicated to customers who have their own cryptographic card reader)

The set consists of:

  •  CERTUM qualified certificate
  • a cryptographic card (the size of an ATM card)
  • time stamp (5000 pcs/month)

NOTE: Activation of a qualified signature requires confirmation of identity.

> Confirmation online or at NETVET’s headquarters<<

> Confirmation at the client’s home/office<<

Technical requirements:

  • internet access
  • web browser
  • computer:
    Microsoft Windows 7,8,8.1,10
    Mac OS X: Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan
  • processor: Pentium 1 GHz (or compatible)
  • RAM: min. 4GB
  • minimum 200 MB free disk space before installing the application
  • screen resolution: 1024×768 or higher


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