Non-qualified signature

Our offer of non-qualified signatures includes:


Certificate compliant with ZSMOPL PLN 79 net +23% VAT

Dedicated certificate enabling communication with the Integrated Medicines Marketing Monitoring System.

Certificate valid for 2 years.

Field included in the certificate:
– e-mail address
– entity name,
– Street, no.,
– Postal code, Place

– Name,
– Surname


Premium Certificate PLN 79 net +23% VAT

Extended version of the certificate allowing signing and encryption of e-mail and confirmation files as well as company data. Signing company documents or emails will greatly increase your credibility when dealing with business partners. It is a guarantee of effective protection against the counterfeiting or reading the information sent. Increases the security of online correspondence.

Certificate valid for 2 years.

Field included in the certificate:
– Name,
– Surname,
– e-mail address,
– company name,

– position held,
– company’s NIP number,
– Street, building,
– Place


Standard Certificate

Basic certificate for signing and encrypting emails and files. It is a guarantee of effective protection against the counterfeiting or reading the information sent. Increases the security of online correspondence.

Certificate valid for 2 years.

Field included in the certificate:
– Name,
– Surname,
– e-mail address