Certificate compliant with ZSMOPL – 2 years of validity

Certificate compliant with ZSMOPL – 2 years of validity

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A dedicated non-qualified certificate enabling communication with the Integrated System for Monitoring Trade in Medicinal Products.

Our certificate meets all requirements):

contains the e-mail address, name of the represented entity and place of business (optional: name and surname of the subscriber),
complies with the X.509 v3 standard,
is secured with a minimum SHA2 hash function,
has a minimum length of cryptographic keys: RSA/DSA 2048 bit,
is issued in PEM and P12 formats (the customer receives both formats).


How to obtain such a certificate?

You can carry out the entire procedure 100% online.

1. Place and pay for the order – all data provided when placing the order is only used for settlement and delivery of the online form.

2. Complete the online form – after recording the payment, we will send a link to the online form to the provided e-mail address, in which you will enter the data included in the certificate (it will take you 5 minutes).

3. Within 48 hours you will receive a ready certificate – we will send an encrypted file with the certificate to the e-mail address included in the certificate, and you will receive an SMS with the access password to the telephone number provided in the form.


Additionally you will receive:

certificate in two formats P12 and PEM,
instructional video on how to install the certificate in the system,
support from our technician if needed.

Also check

Certificate compliant with ZSMOPL – 3 years of validity