Online IPOS smart+ Rental for 36 months first year for PLN 89 per month in Poland Cashless Program

Online IPOS smart+ Rental for 36 months first year for PLN 89 per month in Poland Cashless Program

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iPOS will take your business to the future.

The reduced rent of 89 PLN per month for the first year is only applicable in the Polish Cashless Program for qualifying businesses (those that have not had a terminal in the last 12 months).

The fiscal cash register is mandatory but does not bring any benefits to your company – in the age of the internet, it can’t even send sales results to a computer. Additionally, there’s a separate, extra-paid terminal.

iPOS provides modern, useful solutions that will help develop your business by offering an assistant to support you in your daily work.


iPOS is a fiscal device, payment terminal, and sales system all in one. With it, you’ll fulfill the fiscalization obligation and receive features that will allow you to work efficiently. Each model has a touchscreen, making your work as comfortable and easy as on a smartphone.


You issue not only receipts. A customer comes to you and asks for an invoice. You ask for their tax identification number (NIP), and iPOS fills in the rest. Customer data is always up to date. Invoice ready. Need a receipt with a NIP? No problem!


Accept any form of payment – without mistakes and without having to rewrite amounts on a separate device.

And if there are seasons when you don’t need card payments, simply suspend the service for a certain period.


Every cash register terminal has built-in GSM connectivity, for which you don’t pay extra. Smart models will also connect to your wifi. And although they’re not just ordinary fiscal registers, they meet the requirements of online registers.

N O T I C E: This is a rental offer for a cash register terminal for a period of 36 months with a fee of 129 PLN net per month (89 PLN for the first year) + selected tariff plan and a one-time activation fee of 39 PLN net + cash register terminal fiscalization fee of 150 PLN net.


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