Certyfikat CERTUM Commercial SSL

Certyfikat CERTUM Commercial SSL

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CERTUM Commercial SSL Certificate
Secure your website with a basic Certum DV Commercial SSL certificate!

Certum Commercial SSL is a basic DV (Domain Validation) SSL certificate that offers the following benefits:

Secures your domain by encrypting site traffic and providing protection for user input and secure logins.
Eliminates “Unsafe Website” warnings.
Covers all your subdomains with the Wildcard option.
With this certificate, customers can easily check the credibility of your website with:

An address starting with https:// instead of http://.
The appearance of a green padlock icon, signaling a secure SSL connection.
Certum SSL Trust Seal.
The Certum Commercial SSL certificate is ideal for:

Small websites, including personal websites.
Non-commercial websites.
Small web portals.
FTP servers.
Web forums.
Price is for 1 domain.

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Certyfikat CERTUM Trusted SSL